Saturday, March 29, 2008

The longest scarf yet...

So I also finally finished my Dad's Christmas present...

Guess how long it ended up being?

Yep, 104 inches or (as long as I'm doing the math correctly) 8 feet 8 inches of cabled, wooly wonderfulness ;) Before I sent it, I had my stuffed dog, Blue, model it...

It was the Irish Hiking Scarf, made on size 10 needles, with Galaway Highland Heather (3 skeins...610 yards...over 6 football fields worth of yarn) ;) After making the scarf from wool, I feel a little bad that John's scarf is acrylic...but not bad enough that I'm going to make another one anytime soon (and also John says I need to make a scarf for myself...which sounds good but I'm also not going to do anytime soon)

For now, I'm focusing on washcloths ;)

1 comment:

Kit said...

Phew! Now there's a scarf!