Monday, June 11, 2012


Thanks to LOTS of help from my parents, my new garden is in!

It's up on the north side of the house, so I can water it easily and enjoy it from the deck. It's got: peas, two kinds of beets, lettuce, spinach, bright lights swiss chard, green beans, oregano, purple sage, sweet basil, zucchini (or cucumber...tag and container said different things...I'm hoping for zucchini), eggplant (from sprout), thai pepper (from sprout), banana pepper (from sprout), brandywine tomato, cherry tomato, roma tomato, and yellow tomatoes, two jalapeno plants, two green (?) pepper plants, one cayenne plant, another banana pepper plant, and sunflowers (along the back of the peppers).  I'm also getting chives from my mom to put in by the Basil.
