Read 30 Books
Photo 52 Project
Continue my gratitude journal
What I'm looking forward to
My pile of books to read
My Dog Rates daily calendar
Sioux Falls Pride Gala
What I'd like to try in 2019
Drawing a blank for this one - we'll see what opportunities come up
2018 Resolutions
Read 29 books (surpassing my goal of 25 books)
Kept up with a gratitude journal all year
Made some new recipes (not one a month though)
Training for and completing a half marathon
Having my photos up in a coffee shop (Thanks, Sundog Coffee)
Hosting brunch at my house (twice!)
Completing the Irishman (5 mile, 5K, and 1 mile run)
Camping in the Badlands (and in Spearfish)
Looking for the Poet's table in Custer State Park
Visiting Montana
Visiting Glacier National Park
Seeing a Grizzly bear in the wild
Helping form a new BSA troop for girls in scouting
Phone banking for a candidate/initiated measure/organization
Door knocking for a candidate/initiated measure/organization
Getting into the habit of making my bed everyday (LAMOB-ing - as in, Let's All Make Our Beds)
Favorites from 2018
Buying secondhand clothes on Poshmark
My lawn service and snow removal service
Running in December in the evenings and looking at Christmas lights
Blair Braverman and dog mushing twitter
Jessica Dore's (@thejessicadore) twitter and Instagram posts