Sunday, June 27, 2010

On the windowsill

Inspired by 52 Saturdays

My Summer List

I came across this blog post on Make Grow Gather yesterday and decided to make my own summer list.

The past few summers have just flown by. Then suddenly the air is cooler, the leaves are changing, and I've missed out on a bunch of summer-y things I wanted to do. Not this year!

My list so far:

Picnic at Lake Herman
Wash car with hose
Pheasants baseball game
Go to Farmers Markets
Watch fireworks
Use fire ring/bowl
Go canoeing
Make popsicles
Make ice cream
Go to an outdoor concert
Go camping
Visit/photograph a winery
Play frisbee golf
Visit Palisades
Go to an auction/garage sale
Ride whole bike path
Go to a you-pick-it fruit place
Host grill-out at our house
Make banana boats on the grill
Eat corn on the cob
Go to a drive-in/outdoor movie
Look at stars (through a telescope)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

After LOTS of rain

The garden is growing like CRAZY!

John's peppers are getting huge (he calls this one a "man-eater")

John put the rest of the veggies in the ground, including this squash plant. Some of them are looking better than others (the banana peppers are looking pretty weak). I'm hoping they'll all pull through.

The tomatoes are looking great--much bushier than they ever were when we grew them in containers.

Beets, onions, and peppers getting bigger every day (I'm wondering if the beets have enough space to grow underground--guess we'll find out!)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

More rain...

so I can't mow...just have to take pictures of the garden instead

Beets, onions and peppers

One of three brussel sprouts (this one looks the best)

Tomatoes (three of our nine plants)

We still need to get the herbs, squash, and banana peppers in the ground. At this point, I think we're a little late (winter is just 2 1/2 months away, right?) but we'll just see how they do.

Saturday, June 05, 2010


Our garden is about 3/4 in--tomatoes, peppers (from starters), onions, beets, carrots and green beans (from seeds) are all in the ground. It's taking awhile because the grass for the entire plot had to be dug up--we still have about 4 feet to go and then the rest of the plants will be in. John's been doing all the shovel work--and then we sit together and knock most of the top soil from the dug-up grass. It's exactly as exciting as it sounds, but it is nice to spend time together working outside. I'm really glad we won't have to do this again next year, and John's looking forward to when the garden just needs to be watered and weeded.

So far, the onions are growing like crazy, and we're going to have to thin out the beets. We're still watching for the carrots and green beans to sprout. The peppers were the first in--and they looked a little sickly in the beginning but they're starting to shape up. Tomatoes went in on Memorial Day. I'm hoping John's Brandywine sprouts will take off, but right now they all look about the same.