Wednesday, January 07, 2015

2015! 2015! 2015!

My resolutions:
Read more books (at least 12)
Do a 5K
Have friends over to my house more often

What I'm looking forward to:
Finishing painting my kitchen cabinets Done!
More photography (and more getting my photography out there)
More camping

What I'd like to try in 2015:
Block printing fabric
Cross country skiing
Taking pictures with my Brownie camera

Firsts from 2014:
Hiked Harney Peak
Online dating
Hit a raccoon with my car :(
Did the Tour Sioux Falls bike ride
Went stand up paddle boarding
Went climbing at the Palisades
Saw the Avett Brothers in concert
Saw Jason Isbell in concert
Tried Ethiopian food

Favorite things in 2014:
Planet Money podcast
Haley Bonar
Sylvan Esso
Baked oatmeal from Budget Bytes (like this one)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go rock girl!!! I am trying online dating too.....=____= I like cross coungtry skiing!!! Let me know your plan on it!! we should do it together!!!!! --Jin