Tuesday, February 06, 2007



After avoiding anime for a really long time ("no, I don't like anime," "it's too weird for me" etc. etc.) I watched a bunch of Cowboy Bebop episodes this weekend and LOVED LOVED LOVED it.

So, according to the chart, I USED to be at the square second from the top(fans of scifi/fantasy literature) and now I'm in the next box down (people who watch anime but don't care about subtitles)...

Hmm...and I really love the Firefly television series...so I guess I was already on that row...


...unless you count reading a big chunk of Piers Anthony's Zanth books...

So I'm actually another box below that...



1 comment:

Kit said...

I just barely finished watching Cowboy Bebop for the umpteenth time recently! Go for gold, watch 'em all!