Saturday, August 01, 2009

More garden pics

John's Brandywine tomatoes are finally making an appearance. He has four so far and more on the way.

More chili peppers ready to go!

A cute green cherry tomato.

The tomatoes have all gotten really tall--way over the tops of their cages. I've pretty much let them all get tangled up together so they can support each other (not sure how we'll move them when it's time to mow the yard, though)

The strawberries aren't really doing anything (should they be producing strawberries by now? I'm not sure).

And, unfortunately, we lost the acorn squash to powdery mildew (gave up on them a couple weeks ago).

In non-gardening news, we have a busy weekend planned. John's Mom, Grandma and Aunt Kay are coming to eat at Lui-Lui's today (he's working, but I get to go). Then it's time to clean, clean, clean the house before people come over for John's birthday (tomorrow!). I'm also going to make him this cake from Smitten Kitchen. Fingers crossed it turns out okay!

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